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IFIBCA – SRTEPC delegation would like to appreciate and thank our
Hon’ble Minister of State for Textiles Smt. Darshana Jardosh
for giving us time and having a fruitful discussion with IFIBCA members who shared a representation in the meeting, requesting her to include FIBC, Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container under Textiles Ministry, RoSCTL scheme. This meeting was graciously organised by SRTEPC Chairman Shri Dhirubhaishah was attended by Executive Director, Mr. S Balaruju and his team from SRTEPC on 11 April 2022 in Mumbai.
Key Benefits

Policy and Advocacy
The most basic meaning of advocacy is to represent, promote, or defend some person(s), interest, or opinion...

Budget Recommendations
IFIBCA proposes to submit its Pre-Budget Memorandum to the Ministry of Finance, Central Government for Union Budget every year...

Workshops & Seminars
Through Workshops, Seminars, Webinars and Training Programs, IFIBCA implements its agenda of empowering its members and their teams...
Centre For Innovation And Knowledge Management
Association providing training programs to members and affiliates which is the key to increased productivity, work satisfaction and earning potential

Participation in Exhibitions
Represent and take members of the Association to National & International forums, Trade fairs & exhibitions.

Trade Delegations & MOU
Affiliate/liaise with counterpart bodies/ Associations-National and International level Travelling Connecting and establishing MOU with like minded organizations in India and Abroad.

Affiliate & Export Promotion Councils
Networking and creating solidarity and consensus on Important decision making authorities across the industry.

AGM & Annual Report
A time to table the balance sheet and financials. Every 2nd year there is a change of guard.
Upcoming AGM: Sep 2022
Annual Report of FY 2020-21

1st Governing Council Meeting
24 September 2021
The 1st Governing Council Meeting was held on the 24 September 2021 at the Marriott Hotel, Aerocity, New Delhi and the New Executive Committee and Governing Council was announced.
Left to Right Back Row - We have our members: Bharat Patel, Sailesh Saboo, Niranjan Agarwal, Manoj Kumar Agarwal, Manoj Agarwal, Joseph Fransis, G S Anil Kumar, Krishna Kumar Bang, Sapan Shah, Sachin Nahar, Nileshh Gandhi, Anup Gopalka, Makrand Appalwar, Lalit Tulsyan, Arvind Nopany, Pritesh Parekh
Left to Right Front Row - Rajesh Agarwal, Varun Bathwal, Siddharth Tibrewal, Shashank Agarwal, Aman Parekh, Ankit Fogla, Varun Ramsisaria

2nd Governing Council Meeting
10 December 2021
The 2nd Governing Council Meeting was held on the 10th December 2021 at the Orchid Hotel, Mumbai.
Left to Right Back Row - We have our sponsor Arpita Sharma and members: Pritesh Parekh, Bharat Patel, Ankur Sharma, Shashank Agarwal, Makrand Appalwar, Rinku Appalwar, Mahesh Sharma, Anil Choudhary, Sailesh Saboo, Pramal Choudhary
Left to Right Front Row - Pankaj Sharma and members: Sachin Nahar, Manoj Agarwal, Ravish Kamath, Nileshh Gandhi

3rd Governing Council Meeting
11 March 2022
The 3rd Governing Council was held on 11th March 2022 at the Taj Sanatacruz Hotel, Adjacent to CST Terminal 1 Domestic Airport, Mumbai.
From Left to Right - We have our Members: Anup Gopalka, Rajesh Agarwal, Niranjan Agarwal, Shashank Agarwal, Joseph Fransis, Nileshh Gandhi,
Centre Table - We have our Sponsors Manoj Selot, Dinesh Boloor from Lohia Corp Limited
Left to Right - We have our members: S Ramakrishanan, R Panchapakesan, N Padmanabhan, Vikram Pandya, Pamal Choudhary, Rinku Appalwar, Makrand Appalwar, Amit Choudhary
SRTEPC Exhibition in which IFIBCA exhibited with a stall at Source India 2022 held in Surat from 20 to 22 March 2022 with photograph
Photo of Smt. Darshana Vikram Jardosh, Minister of State for Textiles, Gov’t of India who visited the SRTEPC Exhibition and IFIBCA stall with senior IFIBC Members at Source India on 20th March 2022 held in Surat
From Left to Right – We have our Senior Members: Varun Bathwal, Shashank Agarwal, S Ramakrishanan, Anup Gopalka, Smt. Darshana Vikram Jardosh, Minister of State for Textiles, Gov’t of India, Ravish Kamath, SRTEPC Vice Chairman Bhadresh M Dodhia. IFIBCA Stall with FIBC Bag in the background.
Skill Development and Consultancy
To Provide Technical Advisory Services in changing environments and further creating Vocational skilling and employability to new entrants in the industry.
Growth @ 20%
Produce World Class Products


IFIBCA Annual Magazine
A look into the activities of the year gone by.

IFIBCA Interactive Website
Build Up Face of the Association with a online presence, and sharing a common platform for Information/Data Interface . Provide a glimpse of the Dynamic Indian FIBC Association

IFIBCA Directory 2017
A compendium of FIBC manufacturers in India
CEO Meet
Time for fun n frolic and relaxation for CEO’s with family and friends for a couple of days at a International or Domestic Location. A short business meeting is held in which plans and strategy are drawn up for the coming year.
Become a Member
Protect and promote members’ interest, providing basic Infrastructural Facilities for Secretariat to provide services to members.
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Industrially Compostable & Eco Friendly - FIBC
Companies today are focused on creating products that are sustainable, meaning they are made with materials that minimize the impact on our environment.