Become a Member
Who Can Become an IFIBCA MEMBER?
Who Can Become an IFIBCA MEMBER?
Membership is open only to manufacturing units having completely integrated facilities from tape lines, weaving, lamination and conversion to bags. Fully owned Indian Companies who are committed to FIBC manufacturing and who have fully integrated manufacturing facilities situated anywhere in India can apply for membership. The Company applying for membership should have manufactured and sold an average of 150 MT of FIBCs per month in the preceding six months are eligible to apply for membership. Membership is only available to companies manufacturing FIBC’s and not to service providers, testing and certification companies, suppliers, or machinery manufacturers or ancillaries.
Based on the above basic criteria and after receiving the completed membership form with supporting documents, the membership application will be placed before the Executive Committee for consideration and approval at the next Governing Council Meeting. The Executive Committee & Governing Council may put the membership to a vote and decision of the EC & GC on admission shall be final and binding on the member applicant.
Document Center

IFIBCA Membership Application Form
Updated on Oct 2021
Please fill the details and email us at

Auditor Certificate Format
Updated on Oct 2021
Please fill and print on company letterhead and email us at

Annexure A
Updated on Oct 2021
Please fill and print on company letterhead and email us at